Our goal is to convert a given text image into a string of text, saving it to a file and to hear what is written in the image through audio.
For this, we need to import some Libraries
- Pytesseract(Python-tesseract) : It is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool for python sponsored by google.
- pyttsx3 : It is an offline cross-platform Text-to-Speech library
- Python Imaging Library (PIL) : It adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter
- Googletrans : It is a free python library that implements the Google Translate API.
Input : We Have an image with some text Output: THE TEXT FROM THE IMAGE IS EXTRACTED AND A VOICE WILL SPEAK THE TEXT This is the first line of this text example. This is the second line of the same text. Translated(src=en, dest=de, text=Dies ist die erste Zeile von Dieses Textbeispiel. Dies ist die zweite Zeile desselben Textes., pronunciation=None, extra_data="{'translat..."
Code : Python code to convert text to speech
# import the following libraries # will convert the image to text string import pytesseract # adds image processing capabilities from PIL import Image # converts the text to speech import pyttsx3 #translates into the mentioned language from googletrans import Translator # opening an image from the source path img = Image. open ( 'text1.png' ) # describes image format in the output print (img) # path where the tesseract module is installed pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Tesseract-OCR/tesseract.exe' # converts the image to result and saves it into result variable result = pytesseract.image_to_string(img) # write text in a text file and save it to source path with open ( 'abc.txt' ,mode = 'w' ) as file : file .write(result) print (result) p = Translator() # translates the text into german language k = p.translate(result,dest = 'german' ) print (k) engine = pyttsx3.init() # an audio will be played which speaks the test if pyttsx3 recognizes it engine.say(k) engine.runAndWait() |
NOTE : We can convert the text into any desired language. For Example Japanese, Russian, Hindi. But the only condition is that the googletrans should recognize the destination language. Also, pyttsx3 will speak only the languages which are recognized by it.
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