In this article, we will discuss how to exclude columns in pandas dataframe.
Creating the DataFrame
Here we are creating the dataframe using pandas library in Python.
# import pandas module import pandas as pd # create food dataframe data = pd.DataFrame({ 'food_id' : [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ], 'name' : [ 'idly' , 'dosa' , 'poori' , 'chapathi' ], 'city' : [ 'delhi' , 'goa' , 'hyd' , 'chennai' ], 'cost' : [ 12 , 34 , 21 , 23 ]}) # display data |
Exclude One Column using dataframe.loc[]
We can exclude one column from the pandas dataframe by using the loc function. This function removes the column based on the location.
Syntax: dataframe.loc[ : , dataframe.columns!=’column_name’]
Here we will be using the loc() function with the given data frame to exclude columns with name,city, and cost in python.
# exclude name column print (data.loc[:, data.columns ! = 'name' ]) # exclude city column print (data.loc[:, data.columns ! = 'city' ]) # exclude cost column print (data.loc[:, data.columns ! = 'cost' ]) |
Exclude Multiple columns using dataframe.loc[]
Here we are using loc function with isin operator to exclude the multiple columns
dataframe.loc[:, ~dataframe.columns.isin([‘column1’,………………, ‘column n’])]
In this example, we will be using the isin operator to exclude the name and food_id column from the given data frame.
# exclude name and food_id column print (data.loc[:, ~data.columns.isin([ 'name' , 'food_id' ])]) |
Removing the column from the dataframe
Here we are excluding the column from the dataframe by fetching all the columns and removing the desired one and printing the modified dataframe.
# printing the original dataframe print (df) # getting all the columns my_cols = set (df.columns) # removing the desired column my_cols.remove( 'city' ) my_cols = list (my_cols) df2 = df[my_cols] # printing the modified dataframe print (df2) |
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