Prerequisites: Introduction to Tkinter
Python offers various modules to create graphics programs. Out of these Tkinter provides the fastest and easiest way to create GUI applications.
The following steps are involved in creating a tkinter application:
- Importing the Tkinter module.
- Creation of the main window (container).
- Addition of widgets to the main window
- Applying the event Trigger on widgets like buttons, etc.
The GUI would look like below:
Creating the File Explorer
In order to do so, we have to import the filedialog module from Tkinter. The File dialog module will help you open, save files or directories.
In order to open a file explorer, we have to use the method, askopenfilename(). This function creates a file dialog object.
Syntax: tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = “/”,title = “Select file”,filetypes = ((“file_type”,”*.extension”),(“all files”,”*.*”)))
- initialdir: We have to specify the path of the folder that is to be opened when the file explorer pops up.
- title: The title of file explorer opened.
- filetypes: Here we can specify different kinds of file extensions so that the user can filter based on different file types
Below is the implementation
# Python program to create # a file explorer in Tkinter # import all components # from the tkinter library from tkinter import * # import filedialog module from tkinter import filedialog # Function for opening the # file explorer window def browseFiles(): filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = "/" , title = "Select a File" , filetypes = (( "Text files" , "*.txt*" ), ( "all files" , "*.*" ))) # Change label contents label_file_explorer.configure(text = "File Opened: " + filename) # Create the root window window = Tk() # Set window title window.title( 'File Explorer' ) # Set window size window.geometry( "500x500" ) #Set window background color window.config(background = "white" ) # Create a File Explorer label label_file_explorer = Label(window, text = "File Explorer using Tkinter" , width = 100 , height = 4 , fg = "blue" ) button_explore = Button(window, text = "Browse Files" , command = browseFiles) button_exit = Button(window, text = "Exit" , command = exit) # Grid method is chosen for placing # the widgets at respective positions # in a table like structure by # specifying rows and columns label_file_explorer.grid(column = 1 , row = 1 ) button_explore.grid(column = 1 , row = 2 ) button_exit.grid(column = 1 ,row = 3 ) # Let the window wait for any events window.mainloop() |