In this article, we are going to see how to perform the addition of New columns in Pyspark dataframe by various methods. It means that we want to create a new column that will contain the sum of all values present in the given row. Now let’s discuss the various methods how we add sum as new columns
But first, let’s create Dataframe for Demonstration
# import SparkSession from the pyspark from pyspark.sql import SparkSession # build and create the SparkSession # with name "sum as new_col" spark = SparkSession.builder.appName( "sum as new_col" ).getOrCreate() # Creating the Spark DataFrame data = spark.createDataFrame([( 'x' , 5 , 3 , 7 ), ( 'Y' , 3 , 3 , 6 ), ( 'Z' , 5 , 2 , 6 )], [ 'A' , 'B' , 'C' , 'D' ]) # Print the schema of the DataFrame by # printSchema() data.printSchema() # Showing the DataFrame |
Now we will see the different methods about how to add new columns in spark Dataframe .
Method 1: Using UDF
In this method, we will define the function which will take the column name as arguments and return the total sum of rows. By using UDF(User-defined Functions) Method which is used to make reusable function in spark. This function allows us to create the new function as per our requirements that’s why this is also called a used defined function.
Now we define the datatype of the udf function and create the functions which will return the values which is the sum of all values in the row.
# import the functions as F from pyspark.sql import pyspark.sql.functions as F from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType # define the sum_col def sum_col(b, c, d): col_sum = b + c + d return col_sum # integer datatype is defined new_f = F.udf(sum_col, IntegerType()) # calling and creating the new # col as udf_method_sum df_col1 = data.withColumn( "Udf_method_sum" , new_f( "B" , "C" , "D" )) # Showing and printing the schema of the Dataframe df_col1.printSchema() |
Method 2: Using expr() function.
By using expr(str) the function which will take expressions argument as a string. There is another function in pyspark that will take mathematical expression as an argument in the form of string. For example, if you want the sum of rows then pass the arguments as ‘n1+n2+n3+n4…….’ where n1,n2,n3… are the column names
# import expr from the functions from pyspark.sql.functions import expr # create the new column as by withcolumn # by giving argument as # col_name ='expression_method_sum' # and expr() function which # will take expressions argument as string df_col1 = df_col1.withColumn( 'expression_method_sum' , expr( "B+C + D" )) # Showing and printing the schema of # the Dataframe df_col1.printSchema() |
Method 3: Using SQL operation
In this method first, we have to create the temp view of the table with the help of createTempView we can create the temporary view. The life of this temp is upto the life of the sparkSession
Then after creating the table select the table by SQL clause which will take all the values as a string
# Creating the temporary view # of the DataFrame as temp. df_col1 = df_col1.createTempView( "temp" ) # By using sql clause creating # new columns as sql_method df_col1 = spark.sql( 'select *, B+C+D as sql_method from temp' ) # Printing the schema of the dataFrame # and showing the DataFrame df_col1.printScheam() |
Method 4: Using select()
Select table by using select() method and pass the arguments first one is the column name , or “*” for selecting the whole table and the second argument pass the names of the columns for the addition, and alias() function is used to give the name of the newly created column.
# select everything from table df_col1 and # create new sum column as " select_method_sum". df_col1 = '*' , (df_col1[ "B" ] + df_col1[ "C" ] + df_col1[ 'D' ]). alias( "select_method_sum" )) # Showing the schema and table df_col1.printSchema() |
Method 5: Using withcolumn()
WithColumn() is a transformation function of the dataframe which is used for changing values, change datatypes, and creating new columns from existing ones.
This function will arguments as new column name and column name for the summation.
# by using withcolumn function df_col1 = df_col1.withColumn( 'withcolum_Sum' , data[ 'B' ] + data[ 'C' ] + data[ 'D' ]) # Showing and printing the schema # of the Dataframe df_col1.printSchema() |