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Create Copy-Move GUI using Tkinter in Python

Everyone reading this post is well aware of the importance of Copying the file or moving the file from one specific location to another. In this post, we have tried to explain not only the program but added some exciting pieces of Interface. Up to now, many of you may get about what we are talking about. Yes, you are right, We are going to use “Tkinter” and “shutil” for this project. So we will start it by Installing Packages. 

Modules Required:

  • shutil : Python shutil module enables us to operate with file objects easily and without diving into file objects a lot. It takes care of low-level semantics like creating file objects, closing the files once they are copied, and allows us to focus on the business logic of our program. shutil is the native library, you don’t need to install it externally, just import, while you use it.
  • tkinter :Tkinter is a Python binding to the Tk GUI toolkit. It is the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit or in simple words Tkinter is used as a python Graphical User interface. Tkinter is also the native library, you don’t need to install it externally, just import, while you use it.

The GUI would look like the below image:

Below is the implementation:


# Importing necessary packages
import shutil
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog
# Defining CreateWidgets() function to
# create necessary tkinter widgets
def CreateWidgets():
    link_Label = Label(root, text ="Select The File To Copy : ",
                    bg = "#E8D579")
    link_Label.grid(row = 1, column = 0,
                    pady = 5, padx = 5)
    root.sourceText = Entry(root, width = 50,
                            textvariable = sourceLocation)
    root.sourceText.grid(row = 1, column = 1,
                        pady = 5, padx = 5,
                        columnspan = 2)
    source_browseButton = Button(root, text ="Browse",
                                command = SourceBrowse, width = 15)
    source_browseButton.grid(row = 1, column = 3,
                            pady = 5, padx = 5)
    destinationLabel = Label(root, text ="Select The Destination : ",
                            bg ="#E8D579")
    destinationLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 0,
                        pady = 5, padx = 5)
    root.destinationText = Entry(root, width = 50,
                                textvariable = destinationLocation)
    root.destinationText.grid(row = 2, column = 1,
                            pady = 5, padx = 5,
                            columnspan = 2)
    dest_browseButton = Button(root, text ="Browse",
                            command = DestinationBrowse, width = 15)
    dest_browseButton.grid(row = 2, column = 3,
                        pady = 5, padx = 5)
    copyButton = Button(root, text ="Copy File",
                        command = CopyFile, width = 15)
    copyButton.grid(row = 3, column = 1,
                    pady = 5, padx = 5)
    moveButton = Button(root, text ="Move File",
                        command = MoveFile, width = 15)
    moveButton.grid(row = 3, column = 2,
                    pady = 5, padx = 5)
def SourceBrowse():
    # Opening the file-dialog directory prompting
    # the user to select files to copy using
    # filedialog.askopenfilenames() method. Setting
    # initialdir argument is optional Since multiple
    # files may be selected, converting the selection
    # to list using list()
    root.files_list = list(filedialog.askopenfilenames(initialdir ="C:/Users/AKASH / Desktop / Lockdown Certificate / Geek For Geek"))
    # Displaying the selected files in the root.sourceText
    # Entry using root.sourceText.insert()
    root.sourceText.insert('1', root.files_list)
def DestinationBrowse():
    # Opening the file-dialog directory prompting
    # the user to select destination folder to
    # which files are to be copied using the
    # filedialog.askopendirectory() method.
    # Setting initialdir argument is optional
    destinationdirectory = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir ="C:/Users/AKASH / Desktop / Lockdown Certificate / Geek For Geek")
    # Displaying the selected directory in the
    # root.destinationText Entry using
    # root.destinationText.insert()
    root.destinationText.insert('1', destinationdirectory)
def CopyFile():
    # Retrieving the source file selected by the
    # user in the SourceBrowse() and storing it in a
    # variable named files_list
    files_list = root.files_list
    # Retrieving the destination location from the
    # textvariable using destinationLocation.get() and
    # storing in destination_location
    destination_location = destinationLocation.get()
    # Looping through the files present in the list
    for f in files_list:
        # Copying the file to the destination using
        # the copy() of shutil module copy take the
        # source file and the destination folder as
        # the arguments
        shutil.copy(f, destination_location)
def MoveFile():
    # Retrieving the source file selected by the
    # user in the SourceBrowse() and storing it in a
    # variable named files_list'''
    files_list = root.files_list
    # Retrieving the destination location from the
    # textvariable using destinationLocation.get() and
    # storing in destination_location
    destination_location = destinationLocation.get()
    # Looping through the files present in the list
    for f in files_list:
        # Moving the file to the destination using
        # the move() of shutil module copy take the
        # source file and the destination folder as
        # the arguments
        shutil.move(f, destination_location)
# Creating object of tk class
root = tk.Tk()
# Setting the title and background color
# disabling the resizing property
root.title("Copy-Move GUI")
root.config(background = "black")
# Creating tkinter variable
sourceLocation = StringVar()
destinationLocation = StringVar()
# Calling the CreateWidgets() function
# Defining infinite loop



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