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Create a Pipeline in Pandas

Pipelines play a useful role in transforming and manipulating tons of data. Pipeline are a sequence of data processing mechanisms. Pandas pipeline feature allows us to string together various user-defined Python functions in order to build a pipeline of data processing. There are two ways to create a Pipeline in pandas. By calling .pipe() function and by importing pdpipe package. 

Through pandas pipeline function i.e. pipe() function we can call more than one function at a time and in a single line for data processing. Let’s understand and create a pipeline by using the pipe() function.

Below are various examples that depict how to create a pipeline using pandas.

Example 1:


# importing pandas library
import pandas as pd
# Create empty dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame()
# Creating a simple dataframe
df['name'] = ['Reema', 'Shyam', 'Jai',
              'Nimisha', 'Rohit', 'Riya']
df['gender'] = ['Female', 'Male', 'Male',
                'Female', 'Male', 'Female']
df['age'] = [31, 32, 19, 23, 28, 33]
# View dataframe


Now, creating functions for data processing.


# function to find mean
def mean_age_by_group(dataframe, col):
    # groups the data by a column and
    # returns the mean age per group
    return dataframe.groupby(col).mean()
# function to convert to uppercase
def uppercase_column_name(dataframe):
    # Converts all the column names into uppercase
    dataframe.columns = dataframe.columns.str.upper()
    # And returns them
    return dataframe 

Now, creating a pipeline using .pipe() function.


# Create a pipeline that applies both the functions created above
pipeline = df.pipe(mean_age_by_group, col='gender').pipe(uppercase_column_name)
# calling pipeline


Now, let’s understand and create a pipeline by importing pdpipe package.

The pdpipe Python package provides a concise interface for building pandas pipelines that have pre-conditions. The pdpipe is a pre-processing pipeline package for Python’s panda data frame. The pdpipe API helps to easily break down or compose complex-ed panda processing pipelines with few lines of codes. 

We can install this package by simply writing:

pip install pdpipe

Example 2:


# importing the package
import pdpipe as pdp
import pandas as pd
# creating a empty dataframe named dataset
dataset = pd.DataFrame()
# Creating a simple dataframe
dataset['name'] = ['Reema', 'Shyam', 'Jai',
                   'Nimisha', 'Rohit', 'Riya']
dataset['gender'] = ['Female', 'Male', 'Male',
                     'Female', 'Male', 'Female']
dataset['age'] = [31, 32, 19, 23, 28, 33]
dataset['department'] = ['Accounts', 'Management',
                         'IT', 'IT', 'Management',
dataset['index'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# View dataframe


Removing a column from dataframe using pdpipe.


# creating a pipeline and
# dropping the unwanted column
dropCol = pdp.ColDrop("index").apply(dataset)
# display the new dataframe
# after column drop


There is another way to drop columns through pdpipe.


# creating a pipeline and
# dropping the unwanted column
dropCol2 = pdp.ColDrop("index")
# applying the ColDrop to dataframe
df2 = dropCol2(dataset)
# display dataframe


Here, the column is dropped in two steps. In the first step, we created a pipeline and in the second step, we applied it to the dataframe.

Example 3: 

Now we are adding one column to dataframe using pdpipe.


# importing the package
import pdpipe as pdp
import pandas as pd
# creating a empty dataframe named dataset
dataset = pd.DataFrame()
# Creating a simple dataframe
dataset['name'] = ['Reema', 'Shyam', 'Jai',
                   'Nimisha', 'Rohit', 'Riya']
dataset['gender'] = ['Female', 'Male', 'Male',
                     'Female', 'Male', 'Female']
dataset['age'] = [31, 32, 19, 23, 28, 33]
dataset['department'] = ['Accounts', 'Management',
                         'IT', 'IT', 'Management',
dataset['index'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# View dataframe


Now, dropping the values from dataframe.


#dropping the values using ValDrop
df3 = pdp.ValDrop(['IT'],'department').apply(dataset)
#display dataframe





The row containing ‘ IT ‘ value is dropped.



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