In this article, we are going to convert a CSV file into an HTML table using Python Pandas and Flask Framework.
Sample CSV file :
USERNAME,IDENTIFIER,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME booker12,9012,Rachel,Booker grey07,2070,Laura,Grey johnson81,4081,Craig,Johnson jenkins46,9346,Mary,Jenkins smith79,5079,Jamie,Smith
Stepwise Implementation
Creating Environment
Step 1: Create an environment. Create a project folder and a venv folder within.
py -3 -m venv venv
Step 2: Activate the environment.
Step 3: Install Flask and Pandas.
pip install Flask
pip install pandas
Creating Project
Step 1: Create ‘’ folder and write the code given below.
# importing flask from flask import Flask, render_template # importing pandas module import pandas as pd app = Flask(__name__) # reading the data in the csv file df = pd.read_csv( 'sample_data.csv' ) df.to_csv( 'sample_data.csv' , index = None ) # route to html page - "table" @app .route( '/' ) @app .route( '/table' ) def table(): # converting csv to html data = pd.read_csv( 'sample_data.csv' ) return render_template( 'table.html' , tables = [data.to_html()], titles = ['']) if __name__ = = "__main__" : = "localhost" , port = int ( "5000" )) |
Step 2: Create the folder ‘templates’. create the file ‘table.html’ inside the ‘templates’ folder.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html lang = "en" > < head > < title > Table </ title > </ head > < body > < div align = "center" > < table > < h1 > <!--Displaying the converted table--> {% for table in tables %} < h2 >{{titles[loop.index]}}</ h2 > {{ table|safe }} {% endfor %} </ h1 > </ table > </ div > </ body > </ html > |
Step 3: Add the ‘sample_data.csv’ file.
Step 4: The project structure will look like this.
Run the Project
Step 1: Run the server.
Step 2: Browse the URL ‘localhost:5000’.
Step 3: The output web page will be displayed.