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HomeLanguageszlib.adler32() in Python

zlib.adler32() in Python

With the help of zlib.adler32() method, we can compute the checksum for adler32 to a particular data. It will give 32-bit integer value as a result by using zlib.adler32() method.

Syntax : zlib.adler32(s)
Return : Return the unsigned 32-bit checksum integer.

Example #1 :
In this example we can see that by using zlib.adler32() method, we are able to compute the unsigned 32-bit checksum for given data by using this method.

# import zlib and adler32
import zlib
s = b'I love python, Hello world'
# using zlib.adler32() method
t = zlib.adler32(s)

Output :


Example #2 :

# import zlib and adler32
import zlib
s = b'Hello GeeksForGeeks'
# using zlib.adler32() method
t = zlib.adler32(s)

Output :



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