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Time Functions in Python | Set-2 (Date Manipulations)

Some of Time Functions are discussed in Set 1

Date manipulation can also be performed using Python using “datetime” module and using “date” class in it.

Operations on Date :

1. MINYEAR :- It displays the minimum year that can be represented using date class.

2. MAXYEAR :- It displays the maximum year that can be represented using date class.

# Python code to demonstrate the working of
# importing built in module datetime
import datetime
from datetime import date
# using MINYEAR to print minimum representable year
print ("Minimum representable year is : ",end="")
print (datetime.MINYEAR)
# using MAXYEAR to print maximum representable year
print ("Maximum representable year is : ",end="")
print (datetime.MAXYEAR)


Minimum representable year is : 1
Maximum representable year is : 9999

3. date(yyyy-mm-dd) :- This function returns a string with passed arguments in order of year, months and date.

4. today() :- Returns the date of present day in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

# Python code to demonstrate the working of
# date() and today()
# importing built in module datetime
import datetime
from datetime import date
# using date() to represent date
print ("The represented date is : ",end="")
print (,4,1))
# using today() to print present date
print ("Present date is : ",end="")
print (


The represented date is : 1997-04-01
Present date is : 2016-08-02

5. fromtimestamp(sec) :- It returns the date calculated from the seconds elapsed since epoch mentioned in arguments.

6. min() :- This returns the minimum date that can be represented by date class.

7. max() :- This returns the maximum date that can be represented by date class.

# Python code to demonstrate the working of
# fromtimestamp(), min() and max()
# importing built in module datetime
import datetime
from datetime import date
# using fromtimestamp() to calculate date
print ("The calculated date from seconds is : ",end="")
print (date.fromtimestamp(3452435))
# using min() to print minimum representable date
print ("Minimum representable date is : ",end="")
print (date.min)
# using max() to print minimum representable date
print ("Maximum representable date is : ",end="")
print (date.max)


The calculated date from seconds is : 1970-02-09
Minimum representable date is : 0001-01-01
Maximum representable date is : 9999-12-31

This article is contributed by Manjeet Singh. If you like Lazyroar and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the Lazyroar main page and help other Geeks.

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