Given a string, check if the given string is a pangram or not.
Input : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Output : The string is a pangram Input : Lazyroar for Lazyroar Output : The string is not pangram
A normal way would have been to use frequency table and check if all elements were present or not. But using import ascii_lowercase as asc_lower we import all the lower characters in set and all characters of string in another set. In the function, two sets are formed- one for all lower case letters and one for the letters in the string. The two sets are subtracted and if it is an empty set, the string is a pangram.
Below is Python implementation of the above approach:
# import from string all ascii_lowercase and asc_lower from string import ascii_lowercase as asc_lower # function to check if all elements are present or not def check(s): return set (asc_lower) - set (s.lower()) = = set ([]) # driver code string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" if (check(string) = = True ): print ( "The string is a pangram" ) else : print ( "The string isn't a pangram" ) |
The string is a pangram
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Method #2: Using lower(),replace(),list(),set(),sort() and join() methods
# function to check if all elements are present or not string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" string = string.replace( " " ,"") string = string.lower() x = list ( set (string)) x.sort() x = "".join(x) alphabets = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" if (x = = alphabets): print ( "The string is a pangram" ) else : print ( "The string isn't a pangram" ) |
The string is a pangram
Time Complexity : O(N logN)
Auxiliary Space : O(N)
Method #3 : Using lower(),replace(),len() methods and for loop
- Convert the given string to lowercase and remove all spaces
- Check whether all the alphabets are present in given string by incrementing count variable and for loop
- If count is equal to 26(number of alphabets) display The string is a pangram
- If not display The string isn’t a pangram
# function to check if all elements are present or not string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" string = string.replace( " " ,"") string = string.lower() alphabets = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" c = 0 for i in alphabets: if i in string: c + = 1 if (c = = len (alphabets)): print ( "The string is a pangram" ) else : print ( "The string isn't a pangram" ) |
The string is a pangram
Time Complexity : O(N) N – total number of alphabets
Auxiliary Space : O(1)