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Python – Last business day of every month in year

Given a year and weekday number, the task is to write a Python program to extract each date of the month corresponding to the weekday.

Input : year = 1997, weekdy = 5

Output : [’25/1/1997′, ’22/2/1997′, ’29/3/1997′, ’26/4/1997′, ’31/5/1997′, ’28/6/1997′, ’26/7/1997′, ’30/8/1997′, ’27/9/1997′, ’25/10/1997′, ’29/11/1997′, ’27/12/1997′]

Explanation : 5 is friday. Last weekday of january 1997 which is friday is 25.

Input : year = 1996, weekdy = 4

Output : [’26/1/1996′, ’23/2/1996′, ’29/3/1996′, ’26/4/1996′, ’31/5/1996′, ’28/6/1996′, ’26/7/1996′, ’30/8/1996′, ’27/9/1996′, ’25/10/1996′, ’29/11/1996′, ’27/12/1996′]

Explanation : 4 is thursday. Last weekday of january 1997 which is thursday is 26.

Method #1 : Using loop + max() + calendar.monthcalendar

In this, we perform the task of getting each month calendar using monthcalendar() from the calendar library. Each weekday date is extracted and the maximum of it, being the maximum of the whole month is the last weekday, hence extracted.


# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Last weekday of every month in year
# Using loop + max() + calendar.monthcalendar
import calendar
# initializing year
year = 1997
# printing Year
print("The original year : " + str(year))
# initializing weekday
weekdy = 5
# iterating for all months
res = []
for month in range(1, 13):
    # max gets last friday of each month of 1997
                       for week in calendar.monthcalendar(year, month))) +
               "/" + str(month)+ "/" + str(year))
# printing
print("Last weekdays of year : " + str(res))


The original year : 1997

Last weekdays of year : [’25/1/1997′, ’22/2/1997′, ’29/3/1997′, ’26/4/1997′, ’31/5/1997′, ’28/6/1997′, ’26/7/1997′, ’30/8/1997′, ’27/9/1997′, ’25/10/1997′, ’29/11/1997′, ’27/12/1997′]

Method #2: Using list comprehension

Similar to the above method, the only difference being the usage of list comprehension for a compact solution.


# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Last weekday of every month in year
# Using list comprehension
import calendar
# initializing year
year = 1997
# printing Year
print("The original year : " + str(year))
# initializing weekday
weekdy = 5
# list comprehension for shorthand
res = [str(max(week[weekdy]
               for week in calendar.monthcalendar(year, month))) +
       "/" + str(month)+ "/" + str(year) for month in range(1, 13)]
# printing
print("Last weekdays of year : " + str(res))


The original year : 1997

Last weekdays of year : [’25/1/1997′, ’22/2/1997′, ’29/3/1997′, ’26/4/1997′, ’31/5/1997′, ’28/6/1997′, ’26/7/1997′, ’30/8/1997′, ’27/9/1997′, ’25/10/1997′, ’29/11/1997′, ’27/12/1997′]

The time complexity of this program is O(12*w*m) where w is the number of weekdays and m is the number of months.

The auxiliary space complexity of the program is O(m) where m is the number of months.

Method #3: Using pandas library

Use the pandas library to create a date range for the entire year, and then filter out the last weekday of each month using the weekday and is_month_end methods. Here’s how you can modify the code using pandas.


import pandas as pd
# initializing year
year = 1997
# printing Year
print("The original year : " + str(year))
# initializing weekday
weekdy = 4  # 4 represents Friday in pandas
# creating a date range for the entire year
dates = pd.date_range(start=f'{year}-01-01', end=f'{year}-12-31', freq='D')
# filtering out the last weekday of each month
res = [str( for date in dates[(dates.weekday == weekdy) & (dates.is_month_end)]]
# printing
print("Last weekdays of year : " + str(res))

The original year : 1997
Last weekdays of year : ['1997-01-31', '1997-02-28', '1997-10-31']

Time complexity: O(n), where n is the number of days in the given year.
Auxiliary space: O(n), as we create a pandas date range object for the entire year and store it in memory.

Method #4: Using datetime and timedelta from datetime module

 step-by-step approach :

  1. First, we initialize the year and weekday variables. In this example, year is set to 1997 and weekday is set to 4, which represents Friday.
  2. We create an empty list called last_weekdays to store the last weekdays of each month.
  3. We iterate over the months of the year using a for loop. The loop runs 12 times, once for each month.
  4. For each month, we get the last day of the month using the datetime and timedelta classes. We start by creating a datetime object for the first day of the month using the datetime class.
  5. We then add 32 days to this datetime object using the timedelta class. This brings us to a date beyond the end of the month, which ensures that we get the last day of the month even if it’s a leap year (since February can have 29 days).
  6. We replace the day component of the resulting datetime object with 1 and then subtract 1 day using timedelta to get the last day of the month.
  7. We check if the last day of the month is the same weekday as the desired weekday. If it is, we append the date to the last_weekdays list.
  8. Finally, we print the results.


from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# initializing year and weekday
year = 1997
weekday = 4 # 4 represents Friday
# creating a list to store the last weekdays of each month
last_weekdays = []
# iterating over the months of the year
for month in range(1, 13):
    # getting the last day of the month
    last_day = datetime(year, month, 1) + timedelta(days=32)
    last_day = last_day.replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)
    # checking if the last day is the same weekday as the desired weekday
    if last_day.weekday() == weekday:
        # adding the date to the list
# printing the results
print(f"Last weekdays of year: {last_weekdays}")


Last weekdays of year: [, 1, 31),, 2, 28),, 10, 31)]

The time complexity of this method is O(1) since it only needs to iterate over the months once.

The auxiliary space is O(1) since only a few variables are stored in memory.

Method #5: Using dateutil library

Step-by-step approach:

  1. Import the necessary module from dateutil library
  2. Initialize year and weekday (same as in the original code)
  3. Create a list of datetime objects for every month in the year
  4. Filter the list to include only the datetime objects for the last weekday of the month
  5. Format the datetime objects as strings in the required format
  6. Return the list of formatted strings


# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Last weekday of every month in year
# Using dateutil library
from dateutil import rrule, relativedelta
from datetime import datetime
# initializing year
year = 1997
# printing Year
print("The original year : " + str(year))
# initializing weekday
weekdy = 5
# create a list of datetime objects for every month in the year
months = [datetime(year, month, 1) for month in range(1, 13)]
# filter the list to include only the datetime objects for the last weekday of the month
last_weekdays = [dt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') for dt in months if dt.weekday() == weekdy
                                                       and dt + relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1, days=-1)]
# printing
print("Last weekdays of year : " + str(last_weekdays))

The original year : 1997
Last weekdays of year : ['01/02/1997', '01/03/1997', '01/11/1997']

Time complexity: O(1) as the list of datetime objects has a fixed length of 12 (number of months)
Auxiliary space: O(1) as the memory usage is constant and does not depend on the size of input.

Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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