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HomeLanguagesplace_info(), pack_info() and grid_info() methods in Tkinter

place_info(), pack_info() and grid_info() methods in Tkinter

To get all the information about the options of the geometry management of a widget place_info(), pack_info() and grid_info() methods in tkinter are used accordingly. 

place_info() method

This method is used for getting information about geometry management of a widget like position and size of a window, either in absolute terms, or relative to another window.

Syntax : widget.place_info() 

Parameter: None

Returns : Returns a dictionary of the info of the place options of the current widget 

Code 1: 


# Importing all functions/classes
# from tkinter module 
from tkinter import *
# toplevel window 
root = Tk() 
# setting window size
# create a Label widget whose
# place info is to be obtained
rect = Label(root, 
             text = "MY PLACE INFO IS SHOWN BELOW"
             bg = "pink")
# place a widget in a specific 
# position in the parent widget. = 0.1, relx = 0.2,
           relwidth = 0.6
           relheight = 0.3)
# widget displaying place info of rect
label = Label(root)
# place a widget in a specific
# position in the parent widget. = 0.6)
# get a info of the place
label['text'] = rect.place_info()
# start the GUI


place info method working


pack_info() method

This method is used for getting information about geometry management of a widget like expand, side, fill, padding values etc.

Syntax : widget.pack_info() 

Parameter: None

Returns : Returns a dictionary of the info of the pack options of the current widget 

Code 2: 


# Importing all functions/classes
# from tkinter module 
from tkinter import *
# toplevel window 
root = Tk() 
# create a Label widget whose 
# pack info is to be obtained
rect = Label(root, 
             text = "MY PACK INFO IS SHOWN BELOW",
             bg = "pink")
# placing them in a specific position
# in the parent widget.
rect.pack(expand = True)
# create a Label
label = Label(root)
label['text'] = rect.pack_info()
# start the GUI 


pack info method working


grid_info() method

This method is used for getting information about geometry management of a widget like row number, column number ,rowsapn, columnspan, padding values etc.

Syntax : widget.grid_info() 

Parameter: None

Returns : Returns a dictionary of the info of the grid options of the current widget 

Code 3: 


# Importing all functions/classes 
# from tkinter module 
from tkinter import *
# toplevel window 
root = Tk() 
# widget whose grid info is to be obtained
rect = Label(root, 
             text = "MY GRID INFO IS SHOWN BELOW"
             bg = "pink")
# grid method is used for placing
# the widgets at respective positions
# in table like structure .
rect.grid(stick = N)
# create a label
label = Label(root)
label['text'] = rect.grid_info()
# start the GUI


grid info method working


Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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