In this article, we will look at how to fetch a fixed number of recently sent e-mails via a Gmail account using Python. The libraries used in this implementation include imaplib, email. You have to manually go and make IMAP access enabled by going into your Gmail account settings. After this only you could access your Gmail account without logging in the browser. In the setting page, enable this before running the script. Algorithm :
- Import the imaplib, email, webbrowser and os modules.
- Establish a imap connection with the Gmail account.
- Instantiate the username and password variables for the Gmail account.
- Login into the Gmail account
- Select the sent mails.
- Determine the number n of sent e-mails to be retrieved.
- Iterate the n e-mails and print the sender and the subject of the e-mail.
# import the modules import imaplib import email from email.header import decode_header import webbrowser import os # establish connection with Gmail server = "" imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(server) # instantiate the username and the password username = "" password = " * * * * * * * * " # login into the gmail account imap.login(username, password) # select the e-mails res, messages = '"[Gmail]/Sent Mail"' ) # calculates the total number of sent messages messages = int (messages[ 0 ]) # determine the number of e-mails to be fetched n = 3 # iterating over the e-mails for i in range (messages, messages - n, - 1 ): res, msg = imap.fetch( str (i), "(RFC822)") for response in msg: if isinstance (response, tuple ): msg = email.message_from_bytes(response[ 1 ]) # getting the sender's mail id From = msg["From"] # getting the subject of the sent mail subject = msg["Subject"] # printing the details print ("From : ", From) print ("subject : ", subject) |
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