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Email Id Extractor Project from sites in Scrapy Python

Scrapy is open-source web-crawling framework written in Python used for web scraping, it can also be used to extract data for general-purpose. First all sub pages links are taken from the main page and then email id are scraped from these sub pages using regular expression. 

This article shows the email id extraction from neveropen site as a reference.

Email ids to be scraped from neveropen site – [‘’, ‘’, ‘’,’’]

How to create Email ID Extractor Project using Scrapy?

1. Installation of packages – run following command from terminal 

pip install scrapy 
pip install scrapy-selenium

2. Create project – 

scrapy startproject projectname (Here projectname is Lazyroaremailtrack) 
cd projectname 
scrapy genspider spidername (Here spidername is emails)

3) Add code in file to use scrapy-selenium

from shutil import which 
SELENIUM_DRIVER_EXECUTABLE_PATH = which('chromedriver') 
'scrapy_selenium.SeleniumMiddleware': 800 

4) Now download chrome driver for your chrome and put it near to your chrome scrapy.cfg file. To download chrome driver refer this site – To download chrome driver

Directory structure – 

Step by Step Code – 

1. Import all required libraries – 


# web scraping framework
import scrapy
# for regular expression
import re
# for selenium request
from scrapy_selenium import SeleniumRequest
# for link extraction
from scrapy.linkextractors.lxmlhtml import LxmlLinkExtractor


2. Create start_requests function to hit the site from selenium. You can add your own URL. 



def start_requests(self):
    yield SeleniumRequest(


3. Create parse function: 



def parse(self, response):
        # this helps to get all links from source code
        links = LxmlLinkExtractor(allow=()).extract_links(response)
        # Finallinks contains links url
        Finallinks = [str(link.url) for link in links]
        # links list for url that may have email ids
        links = []
        # filtering and storing only needed url in links list
        # pages that are about us and contact us are the ones that have email ids
        for link in Finallinks:
            if ('Contact' in link or 'contact' in link or 'About' in link or 'about' in link or 'CONTACT' in link or 'ABOUT' in link):
        # current page url also added because few sites have email ids on there main page
        # parse_link function is called for extracting email ids
        l = links[0]
        # meta helps to transfer links list from parse to parse_link
        yield SeleniumRequest(
            meta={'links': links}


Explanation of parse function – 


  • In the following lines  all links are extracted from response.
links = LxmlLinkExtractor(allow=()).extract_links(response) 
Finallinks = [str(link.url) for link in links] 
  • Finallinks is list containing all links.
  • To avoid unnecessary links we put filter that, if links belong to contact and about page then only we scrape details from that page.
for link in Finallinks: 
if ('Contact' in link or 'contact' in link or 'About' in link or 'about' in link or 
or 'CONTACT' in link or 'ABOUT' in 
  • This Above filter is not necessary but sites do have lots of tags(links) and due to this, if site has 50 subpages in site then it will extract email from these 50 sub URLs. it is assumed that emails are mostly on home page, contact page, and about page so this filter help to reduce time wastage of scraping those URL that might not have email ids.
  • The links of pages that may have email ids are requested one by one and email ids are scraped using regular expression.


4. Create parse_link function code: 



def parse_link(self, response):
    # response.meta['links'] this helps to get links list
    links = response.meta['links']
    flag = 0
    # links that contains following bad words are discarded
    bad_words = ['facebook', 'instagram', 'youtube', 'twitter', 'wiki', 'linkedin']
    for word in bad_words:
        # if any bad word is found in the current page url
        # flag is assigned to 1
        if word in str(response.url):
            flag = 1
    # if flag is 1 then no need to get email from
    # that url/page
    if (flag != 1):
        html_text = str(response.text)
        # regular expression used for email id
        email_list = re.findall('\w+@\w+\.{1}\w+', html_text)
        # set of email_list to get unique
        email_list = set(email_list)
        if (len(email_list) != 0):
            for i in email_list:
                # adding email ids to final uniqueemail
    # parse_link function is called till
    # if condition satisfy
    # else move to parsed function
    if (len(links) > 0):
        l = links[0]
        yield SeleniumRequest(
            meta={'links': links}
        yield SeleniumRequest(

Explanation of parse_link function: 
By response.text we get the all source code of the requested URL. The regex expression ‘\w+@\w+\.{1}\w+’ used here could be translated to something like this Look for every piece of string that starts with one or more letters, followed by an at sign (‘@’), followed by one or more letters with a dot in the end. 
After that it should have one or more letters again. Its a regex used for getting email id.

5. Create parsed function –


def parsed(self, response):
    # emails list of uniqueemail set
    emails = list(self.uniqueemail)
    finalemail = []
    for email in emails:
        # avoid garbage value by using '.in' and '.com'
        # and append email ids to finalemail
        if ('.in' in email or '.com' in email or 'info' in email or 'org' in email):
    # final unique email ids from neveropen site
    print("Emails scraped", finalemail)

Explanation of Parsed function: 
The above regex expression also leads to garbage values like select@1.13 in this scraping email id from neveropen, we know select@1.13 is not a email id. The parsed function filter applies filter that only takes emails containing ‘.com’ and “.in”.

Run the spider using following command – 

scrapy crawl spidername (spidername is name of spider)

Garbage value in scraped emails: 

Final scraped emails: 



# web scraping framework
import scrapy
# for regular expression
import re
# for selenium request
from scrapy_selenium import SeleniumRequest
# for link extraction
from scrapy.linkextractors.lxmlhtml import LxmlLinkExtractor
class EmailtrackSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    # name of spider
    name = 'emailtrack'
    # to have unique email ids
    uniqueemail = set()
    # start_requests sends request to given
    # and parse function is called
    def start_requests(self):
        yield SeleniumRequest(
    def parse(self, response):
            # this helps to get all links from source code
            links = LxmlLinkExtractor(allow=()).extract_links(response)
            # Finallinks contains links url
            Finallinks = [str(link.url) for link in links]
            # links list for url that may have email ids
            links = []
            # filtering and storing only needed url in links list
            # pages that are about us and contact us are the ones that have email ids
            for link in Finallinks:
                if ('Contact' in link or 'contact' in link or 'About' in link or 'about' in link or 'CONTACT' in link or 'ABOUT' in link):
            # current page url also added because few sites have email ids on there main page
            # parse_link function is called for extracting email ids
            l = links[0]
            # meta helps to transfer links list from parse to parse_link
            yield SeleniumRequest(
                meta={'links': links}
    def parse_link(self, response):
        # response.meta['links'] this helps to get links list
        links = response.meta['links']
        flag = 0
        # links that contains following bad words are discarded
        bad_words = ['facebook', 'instagram', 'youtube', 'twitter', 'wiki', 'linkedin']
        for word in bad_words:
            # if any bad word is found in the current page url
            # flag is assigned to 1
            if word in str(response.url):
                flag = 1
        # if flag is 1 then no need to get email from
        # that url/page
        if (flag != 1):
            html_text = str(response.text)
            # regular expression used for email id
            email_list = re.findall('\w+@\w+\.{1}\w+', html_text)
            # set of email_list to get unique
            email_list = set(email_list)
            if (len(email_list) != 0):
                for i in email_list:
                    # adding email ids to final uniqueemail
        # parse_link function is called till
        # if condition satisfy
        # else move to parsed function
        if (len(links) > 0):
            l = links[0]
            yield SeleniumRequest(
                meta={'links': links}
            yield SeleniumRequest(
    def parsed(self, response):
        # emails list of uniqueemail set
        emails = list(self.uniqueemail)
        finalemail = []
        for email in emails:
            # avoid garbage value by using '.in' and '.com'
            # and append email ids to finalemail
            if ('.in' in email or '.com' in email or 'info' in email or 'org' in email):
        # final unique email ids from neveropen site
        print("Emails scraped", finalemail)

Working video of above code –

Reference – linkextractors 


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