We use this design pattern for projects that actually will need to poll or output something on a regular basis. In this case, we’re indicating we want a timeout=10 in our window.read
call. Also, this will cause the call to return a “timeout key” as the event every 10 milliseconds has passed without some GUI thing happening first. The timeout key is PySimpleGUI.TIMEOUT_KEY which is usually written as sg.TIMEOUT_KEY in normal PySimpleGUI code.
Please be cautious when you are using windows with a timeout. You will rarely need to use a timeout=0 . A zero value is a non-blocking call, so we need not try to abuse this design pattern.
A short note about timers is that this is not a good design for a stopwatch as it can easily drift. This would never pass for a nice solution in a bit of commercial code. For better accuracy, we should always get the actual time from a reputable source, maybe from the operating system. We can use that as what you use to measure and display the time.
To understand it, we will implement a Stopwatch in Python using PySimpleGUI.
import PySimpleGUI as sg sg.theme( 'SandyBeach' ) layout = [ [sg.Text( 'Stopwatch' , size = ( 20 , 2 ), justification = 'center' )], [sg.Text(size = ( 10 , 2 ), font = ( 'Arial' , 20 ), justification = 'center' , key = '-OUTPUT-' )], [sg.T( ' ' * 5 ), sg.Button( 'Start / Stop' , focus = True ), sg.Quit()]] window = sg.Window( 'Stopwatch Timer' , layout) timer_running, counter = True , 0 # Event Loop while True : # Please try and use as high of a timeout value as you can event, values = window.read(timeout = 10 ) # if user closed the window using X or clicked Quit button if event in ( None , 'Quit' ): break elif event = = 'Start / Stop' : timer_running = not timer_running if timer_running: window[ '-OUTPUT-' ].update( '{:02d}:{:02d}.{:02d}' . format ((counter / / 100 ) / / 60 , (counter / / 100 ) % 60 , counter % 100 )) counter + = 1 window.close() |