One way that I can always tell that a jailbreak is getting ready to be released, is when I see a bunch of apps and tweaks being updated to support the latest major firmware. That’s exactly what’s happened in the past, and that’s exactly what’s happening right now.
Since there’s been no untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.x, most developers haven’t bothered to update their tweaks and apps to support this firmware. Makes sense. That is all about to change, as soon as this week, even. Hence, many devs are scrambling to get the needed updates out to support the latest version of iOS.
For instance, just a few minutes ago, popular Cydia developer Filippo Bigarella’s tweaks were updated with iOS 6.x support. Bigarella is responsible for awesome tweaks like PasswordPilot, CleverPin, UnlockFX, and the like. Springtomize 2, his most popular app by far, hasn’t hit Cydia with iOS 6 support as of yet, but an iOS 6 compatible version is in beta testing, and should be out soon.
If you peruse Twitter, then you’ll see other popular developers talking about updating their apps and tweaks with iOS 6.x compatibility in mind as well. The point is, is that this has always been a reliable way to gauge how close we are to an actual jailbreak. When you see lots of app and tweak updates in Cydia adding firmware compatibility, then know that a jailbreak is near.
Have your favorite apps and tweaks been updated with iOS 6.x support yet? Let us know in the comments section below.