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Software Security: Lessons From 15,000 Users with RadSystems Co-Founder Humphrey Okeke by Roberto Popolizio

Roberto Popolizio
Roberto Popolizio

Updated on: January 6, 2024

SafetyDetectives had the chance to talk to Humphrey Okeke, Co-Founder of RadSystems, a software company with over  15,000 users worldwide only for their flagship product, RadSystems Studio. We asked Humprey how RadSystems approach cybersecurity and online privacy for their customers, plus his insights on the current state of cybersecurity awareness among his clients and the trends he is keeping an eye on.

Introduce your company to our audience

RADSYSTEMS LIMITED is a trailblazing software company committed to revolutionizing the world of application development. At RADSYSTEMS, we specialize in providing innovative low-code solutions through our flagship product, RadSystems Studio. Our mission is to empower global developers, businesses, and students to create robust applications efficiently and effectively.

RadSystems Studio stands out in the industry by solving the complex challenges of traditional application development. With a focus on low-code solutions, our platform enables users to accelerate their development processes, reduce redundant coding time, and seamlessly transition applications across various frameworks and platforms. We take pride in facilitating the creation of applications with ease, offering flexibility in programming languages, frameworks, and deployment options.

Our success is reflected in the numbers – RadSystems Studio has reached over 30,000 downloads across 120 countries, with more than 15,000 unique global users. We’ve garnered a stellar reputation, achieving an impressive 4.4-star rating across multiple platforms, a testament to the satisfaction of our users worldwide.

What steps have you taken to ensure the security of your platform?

At RadSystems, security is not just a feature; it’s a core element ingrained in our development methodology.

Our platform utilizes the Sectigo code signing certificate, meeting CA/Browser Forum authentication standards and Microsoft specifications. This not only establishes a reputable identity in Windows environments but also increases user confidence by revealing the signing party’s identity before applications run.

In addition to Sectigo, RadSystems incorporates a Model-View-Controller (MVC) methodology, ensuring that the projects created are scalable and adhere to industry standards. Our commitment to security extends to user access controls and authentication systems. With role-based access control, user login pages, registration, profile management, email verification, and password reset features, we offer a comprehensive suite of tools to secure user interactions.

We allow end-users to implement their preferred security measures, as we understand their need to adhere to recognized benchmarks, and while we do not currently have specific certifications like ISO 27001 or SOC 2, our design philosophy aligns with these standards, ensuring a secure environment.

To maintain the integrity of our security measures, we conduct regular security audits and assessments. This proactive approach helps us identify and address potential weaknesses in our platform’s infrastructure. We believe in continuous improvement, and these assessments contribute to the ongoing enhancement of our security protocols.

While we can’t disclose specific incidents due to confidentiality, we pride ourselves on effectively preventing and responding to cybersecurity threats. Our commitment to security is reflected in successful instances where our built-in authentication and encryption features ensured data protection and application integrity.

In our pursuit of excellence in cybersecurity, RadSystems engages with cybersecurity vendors and experts. These collaborations enhance our product’s security posture, providing our users with the confidence that their applications and data are shielded by cutting-edge measures. We remain dedicated to the ongoing development of RadSystems, ensuring that security is a fundamental aspect of every application created on our platform.

Do you support your customers in preventing and mitigating cyber threats? How?

Absolutely, at RadSystems, supporting our customers in preventing and mitigating cyber threats is a top priority. We understand the critical importance of user awareness and education in maintaining a secure digital environment. To this end, we regularly provide security training and educational resources to our customers. These resources cover cybersecurity best practices, threat awareness, and measures to enhance the security of their applications.

In addition to proactive education, we’ve established robust security incident reporting and communication channels, as we believe in fostering open communication to promptly address any security concerns our users may have. Customers encountering any suspicious activities or vulnerabilities can utilize direct email, the RadSystems community forums, and our live chat option.

While confidentiality prevents us from disclosing specific incidents, we have success stories where our platform effectively prevented or responded to cybersecurity incidents. Our built-in security features, along with the vigilance of our users, have contributed to the resilience of applications developed on RadSystems. These experiences underscore our commitment to not only providing a powerful development platform but also ensuring the security of our users’ digital assets.

To further engage and communicate with our user community, we host Twitter Spaces from time to time. These spaces serve as interactive forums where users can directly engage with us, share insights, and stay informed about the latest developments in cybersecurity and application development. It’s part of our holistic approach to empower users not only with powerful tools but also with the knowledge and resources to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.

What are the most common cybersecurity threats your clients face today?

One prevalent threat is phishing attacks. Phishing involves tricking individuals into divulging sensitive information, often through deceptive emails or websites. If left unaddressed, phishing can lead to unauthorized access to accounts, financial losses, and damage to an organization’s reputation. One common mistake we observe is users hastily clicking on email links without verifying the sender’s authenticity. Educating users to scrutinize emails and providing tools for email filtering can significantly mitigate phishing risks.

Another persistent threat is SQL injection. This occurs when attackers inject malicious SQL code into input fields, exploiting vulnerabilities in the application’s database. The consequences of an SQL injection can range from unauthorized access to the database to the deletion of critical data. A common mistake is inadequate input validation. Users might not thoroughly check and sanitize user inputs, leaving room for attackers to execute malicious SQL queries. Employing parameterized queries and input validation techniques is crucial to prevent SQL injection.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is also a prevalent concern. It involves injecting malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. This can result in the theft of user data or the spread of malware. One frequent mistake is neglecting to validate and sanitize user inputs in web applications. Implementing secure coding practices and regularly scanning for vulnerabilities can effectively thwart XSS attacks.

Ransomware is another ever-looming threat. It encrypts a user’s files and demands payment for their release. Failing to address ransomware promptly can lead to significant data loss and financial consequences. Common mistakes involve outdated software and lax backup practices. Regularly updating software, employing robust backup strategies, and investing in reliable cybersecurity tools are essential to guard against ransomware attacks.

At RadSystems, we emphasize user education and provide secure coding practices within our platform. Additionally, we advocate for the use of reputable cybersecurity tools, conducting regular security audits, and staying vigilant to evolving threat landscapes. It’s crucial for our clients to understand these threats, avoid common mistakes, and implement best practices to ensure the security and resilience of their applications.

How do you see the current state of cybersecurity awareness?

The current state of cybersecurity awareness is a mixed bag. On one hand, there’s been significant progress, with more individuals and organizations recognizing the importance of cybersecurity. However, there is still a considerable gap in awareness, especially among smaller businesses and individual users.

Cyber threats continue to evolve, becoming more sophisticated, and it’s crucial for everyone to stay vigilant and informed, so organizations should invest in comprehensive cybersecurity training programs for their employees, emphasizing the latest threats and best practices. Moreover, cybersecurity should be integrated into educational curricula, ensuring that the younger generation grows up with a strong awareness of digital threats.

Common myths and misconceptions about cybersecurity and online privacy also hinder awareness.

One prevalent myth is the belief that only large organizations are targeted by cybercriminals. In reality, small businesses and individuals are also at risk. Another misconception is that cybersecurity is solely the responsibility of the IT department. In truth, it’s a collective responsibility that involves every user. For those eager to learn and stay updated on the latest cybersecurity trends, I recommend podcasts. They provide a unique platform for unfiltered conversations on serious issues. Engaging with podcasts allows listeners to hear from experts, industry leaders, and practitioners in a conversational format.

What security challenges do you see in the future of your industry, and how do you plan to cope?

In the future of our industry, one of the escalating security challenges lies in the increasing sophistication of cyber threats. As technologies advance, so do the tactics employed by cybercriminals. Threats such as AI-powered attacks, quantum computing-enabled breaches, and more sophisticated phishing techniques are expected to become more common. The adoption of emerging technologies, while beneficial, opens up new attack vectors, demanding a proactive and adaptive approach to cybersecurity.

Technological advancements, particularly in the realms of artificial intelligence and machine learning, can be a double-edged sword. While these technologies offer innovative solutions for cybersecurity, they also empower attackers with more sophisticated tools. AI-driven attacks have the potential to outsmart traditional security measures, requiring a constant evolution of defense mechanisms.

To cope with these challenges, we are committed to staying at the forefront of cybersecurity developments. Our strategy involves continuous research and development to integrate the latest security protocols into RadSystems Studio. We prioritize the implementation of advanced threat detection, encryption, and authentication features. Additionally, we invest in partnerships and collaborations with cybersecurity experts to leverage collective intelligence in anticipating and mitigating emerging threats. Regular security updates and education for our users remain integral to our approach, ensuring that they are equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of cybersecurity challenges.


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