
  • A recent data breach exposed the login credentials of some Roku customers.
  • Attackers may have attempted to purchase streaming credentials with the information they obtained.
  • News of the attack comes on the heels of Roku requiring all customers to consent to new dispute resolution terms to continue using their product.

If you own a Roku device, you were likely met with new dispute resolution terms that required your consent before you could continue using your product. In case you didn’t read the fine print, the changes to the terms now limit liability for Roku, as well as the impact of any lawsuits you may file (via TechCrunch). While these types of terms have become common, the stronghold Roku placed on its customers to acquire their consent may have crossed a line — at least it seems that way now that the company is reeling from a data breach.


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Shortly after changing its dispute resolution terms, Roku sent out a notice to its customers to acknowledge a data breach. The company is blaming bad actors for the security breakdown that likely resulted in the disclosure of login credentials. In some instances, Roku claims that the hackers may have attempted to purchase streaming subscriptions with the usernames and passwords they obtained. The company has stated that impacted account holders have been notified, and it is recommending that all customers verify their linked devices. It has also verified that hackers did not gain access to personal information such as payment account data, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth.

Source: Roku

That being said, this incident is just another reminder of the very real threat of data breaches. While utilizing a password manager and passkeys can help you manage your sensitive information, there are extra steps you can take to maintain your privacy. For example, there are tools that can help you determine if your passwords have been leaked at some point on the web. You can also enable additional privacy measures within browsers and apps to prevent the collection of your data. While this may hinder personalization features, doing so can ensure that your information stays out of the wrong hands. While data breaches can be unpredictable, you can gain peace of mind by carrying out some of these tasks for protection.