Django is a high-level Python web framework used to create web applications without any hassle, whereas, PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source object-relational database. Let us first create a Django application with PostgreSQL in the backend and deploy it in Heroku which is a container-based cloud Platform to deploy, manage, and scale the applications.
Packages Required
File Structure
Let us create a simple Django application that takes input from users and stores it in PostgreSQL which then will be deployed using Heroku.
Set-up virtual environment :
In your terminal, use the following commands to set up a virtual environment for this tutorial. This will allow you to have a development environment independent of the host operating system.
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv GFG GFG\Scripts\activate.bat
Create Django application
Step 1. Django project set-up
django-admin startprojectneveropen
Step 2: Go toneveropen by following the command cdneveropen, and create a app.
python startapp gfg
Step 3: Now, we need to define it in “” in the project folder by adding the application name.
Add 'gfg,' under INSTALLED_APPS
Step 4: Migrate and deploy
python migrate
Step 5: Ensure app deployment in the deployment server
python runserver
Step 6: Create a templates folder in the parent folder “neveropen“. Add “contact.html” in templates.
< div > < form method = "POST" > < h2 >neveropen Tutorial</ h2 > {% csrf_token %} {{ form }} < button type = "submit" >Submit</ button > </ form > </ div > |
Step 7: Go toneveropen/ to add the following code
import os TEMPLATES_DIRS = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates' ) DIRS': [TEMPLATES_DIRS] |
Step 8: Create “gfg/” in gfg app to add the following code.
from django import forms from .models import neveropen class neveropen(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = neveropen fields = [ "fullname" , "mobile_number" , ] labels = { 'fullname' : "Name" , "mobile_number" : "Mobile Number" , } |
Step 9: Open gfg/ and replace the existing code with the below code.
from django.db import models class neveropen(models.Model): fullname = models.CharField(max_length = 200 ) mobile_number = models.IntegerField() |
Step 10: Replace contents in gfg/ with the following code.
from django.shortcuts import render from .models import neveropen from .forms import neveropen def gfgForm(request): if request.method = = "POST" : form = neveropen(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): else : form = neveropen() return render(request, 'contact.html' , { 'form' : form}) |
Step 11: Create gfg/ in “gfg” folder and add the following code.
from . import views from django.urls import path urlpatterns = [ path(' ',views.gfgForm,name=' form') ] |
Step 12: Openneveropen/ to add the following.
from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include urlpatterns = [ path( 'admin/' ,, path(' ', include(' gfg.urls')), ] |
Step 13: Open “” to add the following code which will register the model. This step will create a field in the admin dashboard of Django to view the data.
from django.contrib import admin from .models import neveropen # Register your models here. |
Step 14: Migrate all the data to an internal database to test our app.
python makemigrations python migrate
Step 15: Ensure app deployment in the deployment server
python runserver
Heroku Postgres and deployment
Step 16: Use the following command to install four packages for database connection and deployment.
pip install psycopg2 gunicorn django-heroku whitenoise
Step 17: Log in to your Heroku app and follow the below instructions to add Postgres to your Django application.
- Click “Create app”.
- Name your app and click save, i.e. “gfg-tutorial”
- Go to the “add-ons” section in elements or go to the new tab and search Heroku Add-ons.
- Now, you will have clickable “Heroku Postgres” which opens in a new tab. Click to install.
- Click on the Bento menu, and go to data or datastores.
- Click “view credentials” under the settings tab to fetch your connection details.
Step 18: Open “” to make the following changes.
import django_heroku DATABASES = { 'default' : { 'ENGINE' : 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2' , 'NAME' : '<DATABASE>' , 'USER' : '<USER>' , 'PASSWORD' : '<PASSWORD>' , 'HOST' : '<HOST>' , 'PORT' : '5432' , } } # Optional section to include if # you want to include static files STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles' ) STATIC_URL = '/static/' django_heroku.settings( locals ()) |
Also, modify “ALLOWED_HOSTS” as mentioned below to allow the Heroku app which we created now to host the application.
ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ '' ] |
Step 19: Additional files
- Create “runtime.txt” and “Procfile” in the project folder “neveropen”.
- Run the following command to get all the packages listed in “requirements.txt”
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Step 20: Open “runtime.txt” and add the following code.
Step 21: Open “Procfile” and add the following code.
release: python migrate web: gunicornneveropen.wsgi
Push to GitHub
Step 22: Create a GIT repository and upload the project files.
Step 23: In Heroku, go to your app and navigate to the deploy tab. Select the project repo after connecting to your GitHub account in Heroku.
Step 24: Click “deploy branch”.
Step 25: Ensure the application is up and running.
Connect Postgres to a remote server(pgAdmin4)
Step 1: Create a server. Right-click on “Server” -> Register -> Server.
Step 2: Add the following details.
General tab
- Name:neveropen
Connection tab
- Hostname/Address : <HOST>
- Port: 5432
- Maintenance database : <DATABASE>
- Username : <USER>
- Password: <PASSWORD>
SSL tab
Choose “require” from the dropdown.
Advanced tab
db restriction : <DATABASE>
Once you add a database to DB restriction, hit enter to create a database and click on save.
View database tables
- neveropen(server name) –> Databases –> <DATABASE> –> Schemas –> Public –> Tables
- Right-click on the table you want to view and select “View/Edit Data”.
Finally, we have deployed the Django application on Heroku with Postgres Backend. Let’s test it now!