In this article e are going to learn about SetStatusStyles() function associated with wx.StatusBar class of wxPython. SetStatusStyles() function Sets the styles of the fields in the status line which can make fields appear flat or raised instead of the standard sunken 3D border.
It takes an array of n integers with the styles for each field as an argument.
Syntax: wx.StatusBar.SetStatusStyles(Self, styles)
Parameter Input Type Description styles list of int Contains an array of n integers with the styles for each field. There are four possible styles:
1. SB_NORMAL (default): The field appears with the default native border.
2. SB_FLAT: No border is painted around the field so that it appears flat.
3. SB_RAISED: A raised 3D border is painted around the field.
4. SB_SUNKEN: A sunken 3D border is painted around the field (this style is new since wxWidgets 2.9.5).
Code Example:
import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__( self , * args, * * kwargs): super (Example, self ).__init__( * args, * * kwargs) self .InitUI() def InitUI( self ): self .locale = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH) self .statusbar = wx.StatusBar() self .statusbar.Create( self , id = 1 , name = "Status Bar" ) self .SetStatusBar( self .statusbar) self .SetSize(( 350 , 250 )) # SET TOTAL NUMBER OF FIELDS AND RESPECTIVE WIDTHS self .statusbar.SetFieldsCount( 3 , [ 100 , 80 , 60 ]) # SET TEXT FOR ALL FIELDS self .statusbar.SetStatusText( "Field One" , 0 ) self .statusbar.SetStatusText( "Field Two" , 1 ) self .statusbar.SetStatusText( "Field Three" , 2 ) self .statusbar.SetBackgroundColour(( 200 , 188 , 73 , 243 )) # SET STYLES FOR ALL STATUS FIELDS self .statusbar.SetStatusStyles([wx.SB_FLAT, wx.SB_SUNKEN, wx.SB_RAISED]) self .SetTitle( 'New Frame Title' ) self .Centre() print ( self .statusbar.GetMinHeight()) def main(): app = wx.App() ex = Example( None ) ex.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ = = '__main__' : main() |
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