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HomeMobileJailbreakSleeperX updated to bring powerful alarm features to jailbroken iOS 16 devices

SleeperX updated to bring powerful alarm features to jailbroken iOS 16 devices

SleeperX, which is perhaps one of my favorite jailbreak tweaks ever released for alarms on the iPhone, was recently updated to version 2.0.0 with support for rootless jailbreaks on iOS & iPadOS 16 such as Dopamine v2 and palera1n.

SleeperX screenshot examples.SleeperX screenshot examples.

SleeperX was created by iOS developer Joshua Seltzer, and the reason I love it so much is that it lets me do things I can’t ordinarily do with alarms on a stock iOS handset, including:

  • Setting custom snooze times
  • Configuring volume levels on a per-alarm basis
  • Setting a custom duration for alarms with an option to snooze after that duration passes
  • Skipping an alarm within a particular set time after unlocking your device
  • Selecting dates or holidays to skip firing an alarm so you can sleep in
  • Configuring alarms to automatically update based on sunset or sunrise times
  • Working with both manually-set alarms and Wake-Up/Bed Time alarms
  • And more…

The snooze time is a big one for me, because sometimes I want to snooze for longer than iOS lets me. I also really like the volume override feature and being able to shut alarms off on holidays so that I can either wake myself up effectively on work days or sleep in on non-work days.

Sleeper has been around for more than a decade, and I’ve been using the tweak regularly on my jailbroken device(s) with each iteration of jailbreaking, and now that we have the Dopamine v2 jailbreak, I’m excited to be able to use it again on my latest jailbroken device.

If you’d like, you can read our full review on SleeperX to dive deeper into what it can do. You can also purchase the latest version of SleeperX from the Havoc repository via your favorite package manager app for just $0.99 — a bargain for such a useful package.

Are you going to be taking advantage of SleeperX on your pwned device? Tell us why or why not in the comments section down below.

Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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