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Jailbreak news of the week: Installing the Serotonin “semi-jailbreak,” Dopamine v2 updates, & more…

You can always count on the team of iDB to bring you the latest iPhone & iPad hacking and jailbreaking news as it happens. But what good will that do you if you’re too busy to read the posts?

Weekly jailbreak news roundup.Weekly jailbreak news roundup.

We understand that people get caught up during the week with work, school, and other obligations. Fortunately, we come at you every weekend with a roundup post like this one that summarizes all the important details you may have missed in the cacophony we call life.

This weekend’s piece spans the week of Monday, February 19th to Sunday, February 25th.

Important stuff from this week

How to install the Serotonin ‘semi-jailbreak’

Serotonin semi-jailbreak.Serotonin semi-jailbreak.

While the Dopamine v2 jailbreak is now available for a significant amount of iOS & iPadOS 15 and 16 users, the Serotonin semi-jailbreak is also available for a subset of users who can’t use the Dopamine v2 jailbreak, and may be a viable option for those users who still want to use jailbreak tweaks.

In our step-by-step tutorial, we walk you through the process of installing Serotonin and why it might be a good or a bad choice for you.

Dopamine v2 updates

Dopamine v2 banner.Dopamine v2 banner.

The Dopamine v2 jailbreak continues to receive updates this past week to further strengthen its stability and performance.

You can learn more about the latest updates below:

Serotonin vs. Dopamine v2

Serotonin vs. Dopamine v2.Serotonin vs. Dopamine v2.

If you’re able to use the Dopamine v2 jailbreak, should to use it over the Serotonin “semi-jailbreak?” If you can’t use the Dopamine v2 jailbreak, but you can use the Serotonin “semi-jailbreak,” should you use the latter? What if you can’t use either of them?

We answer all of these questions in-depth in a full-featured opinion piece to help shed some light on the role that the Serotonin “semi-jailbreak” still plays in a post-Dopamine v2 world.


SparkCode app interface.SparkCode app interface.

SparkCode is a revolutionary new app for jailbroken devices that allows a developer to write code and compile Swift or C-based applications on-device and without a computer or Xcode.

The project itself was developed entirely on iPhones, and it is already being used to create interesting new projects that don’t require a computer to be made.

You can learn more about SparkCode and where you can get it from in our full review post.


SafariX full URL and ability to share downloads more easily.SafariX full URL and ability to share downloads more easily.

SafariX is a new add-on for Safari on jailbroken iPhones and iPads that introduces features that help power users to get more done on their mobile device.

Many of these features are common sense, and it remains to be seen why Apple hasn’t added these features themselves, but now, jailbreakers don’t need to wait any longer.

You can learn more about SafariX and what you can do with it in our full review post.

Tako (iOS 15.x – 17.x)

Tako iOS 15 banner.Tako iOS 15 banner.

Lots of people, myself included, are fans of the Priority Hub-style notification interface on jailbroken devices.

Devices using modern jailbreaks on iOS 15, 16, or 17 can now use a jailbreak tweak called Tako to get these types of notifications on their Lock Screen and in Notification Center.

You can learn more about Tako and where you can get it from in our full review post.


Reo Lock Screen music player examples.Reo Lock Screen music player examples.

Reo is a highly customizable jailbreak tweak for changing the way your pwned device’s Lock Screen music player looks.

Not only can you choose between different designs for the Now Playing interface, but you can customize the background, the blur style, and more. Reo is also compatible with a lot of other popular jailbreak tweaks on the most popular rootless and rootful jailbreaks.

You can learn more about Reo in our full review post.


Screenshot examples of Tinge at work.Screenshot examples of Tinge at work.

Tinge is a new jailbreak tweak that mocks the effect of ColorBadges on rootless jailbroken iOS 15+ devices by colorizing the Home Screen’s app icon badges to match the dominant color.

You can learn more about Tinge in our full review post.


NoSearchPill removes the Home Screen’s pill-shaped search button. Before (left) and after (right).

The new NoSearchPill jailbreak tweak for iOS 16 removes the Home Screen‘s pill-shaped search button from view so that you have a cleaner and more minimalist-friendly aesthetic.

Additionally, this is a feature that you can already access with a swipe down gesture on the Home Screen, so the pill-shaped button is somewhat of a superfluous feature.

You can find out more about NoSearchPill and where you can get it from in our full review post.


Lunar jailbreak tweak.Lunar jailbreak tweak.

Lunar is a redesigned Lock Screen with a simpler aesthetic that looks better with full-screen wallpapers and features a bonus widget underneath the clock.

Lunar currently provides a way to align the Lock Screen text and two different widgets to pick from, but more are reportedly under development.

You can learn more about Lunar in our full review post.

Everything else from this week

ActivityAction v2.2.0 released: Support rootless on iOS 15 and 16, use AltList to replace AppList, and remove unnecessary dependencies (free via Havoc repository)

Airaw v1.6.2 released: Fix issue with transparent icons, ability to customize Do Not Disturb icon colors, fix problems with devices and dimming, fix time lag when adding widgets, add Vietnamese translation, add uOS 16 support ($1.99 via Chariz repository – review post)

Akara v2.0.2 released: Add experimental feature that lets you customize the corner radius of the Akara interface ($2.49 via Chariz repository – review post)

AppleColorEmoji Unicode 15.1 HD Flip (EFM): Your usual Apple Emoji, but flipped horizontally (free via PoomSmart’s repository)

AudioRecorder XS (rootless): The rootless jailbreak version of the AudioRecorder XS jailbreak tweak ($3.99 via Limneos’ repository — review post)

Blobmoji Unicode 15.1 (EFM) v15.1.0 beta 1 released: Updates Unicode to 15.1 (free via PoomSmart’s repository)

BlurryBadges (iOS 14+) v1.5.2 released: Fix a crash on iOS 14 (free via PoomSmart’s repository)

CallSilent v1.0.5 released: Optimize code stability ($0.99 via Havoc repository — review post)

DynamicPeninsula (rootless): The rootless jailbreak version of the DynamicPeninsula jailbreak tweak ($3.99 via Limneos’ repository — review post)

EmojiLibrary v1.6.0 beta 2 released: Refactor code for better maintainability, removed redundant methods (free via PoomSmart’s repository)

EmojiPort (iOS 12.0-17.3) v1.5.0 beta 3 released: Updated for new EmojiLibrary (free via PoomSmart’s repository)

IGotNoSecret: Unblurs the Instagram stories that need messaging first to reveal (free via PoomSmart’s repository)

LatestTranslate v6.0.1 released: Added new languages from iOS 17 (free via PoomSmart’s repository — review post)

Live Text Enabler v1.3.0 released: Adds support for iOS 16, now hooks into mediaserverd so that you can detect the text in the iOS camera app (free via PoomSmart’s repository — review post)

LS Contacts v3.5.0 released: Add support for iOS 16, fix a bug where tapping on a contact wouldn’t do anything ($1.50 via YouRepo repository – review post)

LSTimeSeconds16 (iOS 16+ | Dopamine | RootHide) v0.0.2 released: Adds seconds to the Lock Screen’s time, now updated with option to switch between 12 and 24-hour time (free via b4db1r3’s repository — review post)

Lunar v1.0.1 released: Fixes a critical bug ($1.99 via Havoc repository – review post)

MenuSupport v1.3.0 released: Support for iOS 16 added (free via Havoc repository)

NoLockPad: Hides the padlock in the Lock Screen and passcode screens (free via YouRepo repository)

OCD (iOS 15-17 | Roothide & Dopamine) v2.0 released: Split the tweak into two sections: badges & icons, fix color folder label, and more (free via b4db1r3’s repository – review post)

PrimeDeck v1.3.0 released: Add support for iOS 16, fix a bug where SpringBoard would crash if a call was answered or outgoing ($1.99 via YouRepo repository – review post)

Reo v1.1.0 released: Fix designer compatibility, add new backgroundUI for minimized player, add notched support, more details in preferences, remake banner and tweak icon, made offsets as percent, fix preference enabled, fix z index, add Axon compatibility, change show device name to show author name, & more… ($1.99 via Havoc repository – review post)

Rune v1.2 released: Add location toggle, add panel to control AirPods listening mode, add option to open rune to first panel, add option to automatically dismiss Rune when a keyboard opens, add option to overlay Rune on screen instead of shifting upwards, fix Dynamic Island, Fix non-dismissal when locking device, fix music UI on 4-inch displays, fix multitasking gestures triggering Rune on iPads, fix music panel UI issues when device resprings in landscape orientation, layout tweaks to preference pane, & more… ($2.49 via Havoc repository – review post)

SafariX v1.0.2 released: Fix issue with tabs not getting focused after Safari launch on iOS 16, fix issue with Safari getting stuck while trying to play full-screen video on iOS 16, fix issue with duplicate tabs deletion sometimes leading to a crash on iOS 16, redesign tabs on iOS 15 and 16 to be more native-like ($1.50 via YouRepo repository – review post)

SmoothKB v1.0.3 released: Fixes animation on the Globe key (free via PoomSmart’s repository)

Telga Icons v1.2 released: Bug fixes and improvements (free via Lizynz’s repository)

Toss Face Unicode 15.0 (EFM) v15.0.0 released: Update to Unicode v15.0 (free via PoomSmart’s repository)

UnderDock v1.1 released: Add support for iOS 16, fix the white border around the icon in the preferences ($1.99 via Havoc repository – review post)

VolumeFLEX v0.0.4-2 released: Hotfix to set the volume tune option to off and fix codesigning issues (free via Havoc repository)

WhatsApp Emoji Unicode 15.0 (EFM) v15.0.0 released: Update to Unicode v15.0 (free via PoomSmart’s repository)

YTABConfig v1.7.1 released: Fix killswitch and grouped settings toggles not respecting user’s cancel action, refactored code, update localizations (free via PoomSmart’s repository — review post)

You’ve found the end of this week’s roundup post, but since we all know you want more, here’s a quick link to last week’s roundup just in case you might I’ve missed something important:

Dopamine v2 jailbreak released, how to install RootHide bootstrap, & more…

And just in case you need help getting started, here are some of the most relevant step-by-step tutorials to give you a boost:

What was your favorite news tidbit or jailbreak tweak release in the jailbreak community as of this past week? Be sure to let us know in the comments section down below.

Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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