Subscription services have become one of the go-to solutions for businesses in recent years. Everything from video games to mobile apps are now available en masse for a small monthly charge, encouraging users to sign up for a plan and pay endlessly rather than purchase the games and apps outright.

Of course, Google got in on this trend in 2019 with the Play Store, providing access to games and apps with the Google Play Pass for a monthly fee, as well as special offers and discounts on other games and apps not in the catalog. The service — which costs $4.99 per month or $29.99 for the entire year — has become shockingly popular, growing 120% over the last year, and yet the top selection of Play Pass apps and games rarely changes. So, the real question is: Why are so many people subscribing to Google Play Pass when many of the apps and games within can be purchased outright?


Best Google Play Pass games and apps available in 2024

A Google Play Pass subscription is the best way to avoid advertisements and in-app purchases

Google Play Pass Grows 120% in 2023

Who are the 220 million people using the service?

Google announced earlier this month at the Games Develop Summit (GDC) that the Google Play Pass service had 220 million subscribers in 35 different countries, making it “one of the largest loyalty programs in the world.” For some context, Amazon Prime — arguably the most prolific subscription service around the globe — has 230 million subscribers, so Google Play Pass is quickly becoming kind of a big deal.

The short-term benefits seem obvious, such as getting access to an unlimited selection of paid mobile apps and games without any ads for a comparably low price. That is how they get you, though. Considering the selection of apps and games you’d actually want to play isn’t that vast, simply buying the ones you want is certainly more affordable, especially over the course of a couple of years. Sure, $30 for a year sounds like a bargain, but that’s six pr,iu, $5 apps/games, twelve in year two, and 18 in year three. When was the last time you used that many apps at once? It’s almost like paying endlessly for access to a handful of apps you enjoy using is a better deal for Google than its customers.

The Google Play Pass catalog is lacking

What games and apps are even available?

The lure of subscription services like Amazon Prime and Netflix is that they have a vast selection of top-tier content that is regularly updated, so the regular fee feels like you’re actually getting something in return. The Google Play Pass, on the other hand, does not feel that way, as you don’t get much bang for your buck. Yes, there are 1,000 different games and apps to choose from, which is 800 more than Apple Arcade, but does anyone actually want to use the majority? Can you even view a full list of what is available before subscribing? Of course not, being an informed consumer is the last thing Google wants, which is why the Play Store has been updated over the years to actively hide actionable data behind extra clicks.


Google Play Pass vs. Apple Arcade: Which platform offers the most bang for your buck

What’s the difference between the two subscription services?

We will be the first to admit that there are some helpful apps that can get your life organized and a few fun games that can pass the time with the Google Play Pass. However, the reality is that you can already grab the majority for free or a flat price. Yes, you may have to endure a few ads, but that’s definitely better than a monthly fee slowly eating away at your financial security.

Stardew Valley is, of course, the exception that proves the rule. It’s one of the most popular life simulation games on the market, and it’s the crown jewel of the Google Play Pass selection. But it’s also available for only $5, the full monthly cost of the service, which means if you’re only subscribed to Google Play Pass for that, you’re overpaying by 100% every single additional month you play. And trust us, you’re going to play Stardew Valley for more than a couple of months.

Even worse, the selection of apps and games doesn’t seem to change very often, at least not in any measurable way for users to track. There is no apparent “recently added” section or updated list to find. Yes, Google Play Pass will provide users with offers for other popular apps and games on the Play Store, like discounts for in-app purchases, but as far as we can tell, that’s all the freshness you’re going to get on a monthly basis. Even Google can’t make the case for Play Pass in any significant way, and yet the growth is off the charts regardless. Please make it make sense.