We’re now entering the fourth week of straight decline in amount of new jailbreak tweak releases. I’m not sure if there is anything to get too concerned about at this point, but it’s definitely worth noting.
If you haven’t had a chance to get on Cydia this week, I’ve rounded up all the new tweaks that shipped over the last few days, with a short description of each of them. That should give you a quick overview of what was released and what might be of interest to you.
Call Enhancer: allows you to make phone calls anonymously ($0.99 – review)
CleanUp: removes web addresses in ControlCenter when streaming media (free)
DathMessages: customize the color of various aspects of the Messages app ($1.99)
Disable App Switcher Rotation: the name pretty much says it all (free)
FlipBook: brings an autorotate feature to the Facebook app (free)
Harbor: brings an OS X-inspired dock to the iPhone ($2.99 – review)
Keyboard Accio: a quick way to switch keyboards (free)
Messenger+: enables internal settings for Facebook Messenger (free)
MoreThanSMS: allows you to initiate phone calls from the Messages app (free)
MultiIconMover+: move multiple app icons and folders on your iPhone at the same time ($0.99 – review)
NCBrowser 8: browse the web from Notification Center (free – review)
NoWakeOnRinger: disables screen waking when switching the ringer switch (free)
Pasithea: a new jailbreak tweak that saves pasteboard history ($1.99 – review)
Photo Timestamp: adds a timestamp to photos in the Photos app ($1.99 – review)
SaveGram: save Instagram photos and videos to the Photos app (free – review)
SimpleNC: streamlines the look of Notification Center (free – review)
If I had to pick one personal favorite, I would go with MultiIconMover+. It’s actually not a new tweak, but it was recently updated adding even more features.
What are your favorite picks of the week? Make sure to share with everybody in the comments section below.